The Yak Collective - exceptional people thinking about the future of business leadership

The current crisis brought up by the SARS-CoV2 virus is changing the world. No one was prepared for all the devastating repercussions of this pandemic, for all the lives lost and all the chaos bestowed upon every nation in the globe. As of now there is still no clear idea of how to recover from it, just a disordered struggle to balance desperately overflown health systems with crippled economies.

Keeping in mind how disruptive this new reality is going to be, a group of independent consultants recently got together to think about the future of business leadership. They put forward a list o 25 non-mainstream ideas, systems, provocations, and frameworks to help leaders navigate the Covid-19 reboot.

The goal is to offer organizations of all sorts — business, nonprofit, government — a real and meaningful alternative to traditional mainstream sources of advice, counsel, and intelligence for navigating this crisis.

They are called the Yak Collective, a network of independent consultants who all have their own consulting practices, but also work together on larger projects. They are not an agency or intermediary, but a group trying to develop a very different approach of developing and delivering business ideas and intelligence based primarily on effective and fluid collaboration models inspired by the open-source software world.

The participants are very active in their fields. Their ideas reflect the desire of building a better world.

A new order

I had the opportunity to contribute to this project. My proposal is Idea #20, “A new order”, on slide 44.

I talks about the principles that no longer can be ignored to drive business success in our new reality.

Organize for human needs

Besides my own, another idea I particularly liked was “Organize for human needs”, by Benjamin Taylor, on slide 40.


You can read the full report here: Don’t waste the reboot

May 03, 2020.